Thank a farmer for National Ag Day

Australia’s most trusted rural charity is encouraging the country to put farmers front of mind today, National Ag Day (17 November).
Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said the hard work of Aussie farmers is taken for granted too often.
“There are families doing it incredibly tough at the moment, yet it’s an issue that’s barely making it onto the national agenda or national conversation,” Mr Warlters said.
“At Rural Aid, we believe it’s so significant that it has to come right to the very top of the list of priorities for everyday Aussie to understand, and hopefully contribute to, being part of that solution.”
Mr Warlters said there are dozens of ways to support our mates in the bush.
“Celebrating our farmers on National Ag Day is as simple as going and buying some amazing produce and when you cook it up, have a conversation about where it came from and what it means to you.”
“They [Australian farmers] are the best in the world and they’re worthy of our thanks and gratitude.”
According to Rural Aid, farmers across the nation are at a crossroads, as dry conditions take hold.
“It’s a super challenging time for farming families right now, coming off the three driest months on record,” Mr Warlters said.
The public is encouraged to make a donation to Rural Aid, as a way of saying thanks to our farmers.
“Make a donation to the organisation that’s there to support farmers when they need a hand up,” Mr Warlters said.
Rural Aid supports Australian farmers with financial, hay, counselling, drinking water and volunteer assistance.
For more information, or to make a donation, visit or call 1300 327 624.
About Rural Aid
Rural Aid is Australia’s most trusted rural charity. We stand with our farmers when they need us most. Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, wellbeing and fodder assistance. Rural Aid’s community programs help create more sustainable communities by building stronger futures for all Australian farmers. Find out more at
For more information or interviews, contact Rural Aid Media on or 0447 116 757.