Rural Aid wraps up historic Barraba makeover

63 Rural Aid volunteers have waved an emotional goodbye to the New England after a huge week of historic works in Barraba.
Barraba is one of ten regional communities selected in Rural Aid’s Our Towns program.
In the past week, generous volunteers have worked tirelessly to spruce up Queen Street Mall, makeover the Racecourse and tidy up the Tennis Club and sports fields.

Battling flooding rains and swollen creeks, the volunteers didn’t let the weather dampen their spirits in the slightest.
Made possible by property investment and development company Holdmark, Barraba has been awarded $100,000 to be spent over the next five years, to renew and revitalise the town.
Peter Kenyon from the Bank of IDEAS helped the town’s stakeholders decide on a path for Barraba’s future, now immortalised in the Community Development plan.

Rural Aid CEO John Warlters thanked those who’ve poured a huge deal of time, effort and money into Barraba’s future.
“Transforming a town is no small feat. Rural Aid is grateful for Holdmark’s generous partnership, which makes events like this possible. Rural Aid would also be lost without its extraordinary volunteers, who stop at nothing to make a difference,” Mr Warlters said.
Barraba locals say it was a joy to see their town buzzing.
“The mall has been brightened up, the street has been brightened up. There are people around!” Andy Wright from Andy’s Guesthouse in Barraba said.
“It’s been an amazing week, I’d like to thank Rural Aid.”
Rural Aid’s program co-ordinator Grant Miskimmin agreed it was a fantastic week.
“Despite the weather, it was a great outcome. We lost a whole day due to the weather, but we managed to get 95% of projects done, thanks to the amazing volunteers pushing through,” Mr Miskimmin said.

Rural Aid will continue to stay in touch with the Barraba community to help their Community Development Plan come to fruition over the next five years.
Rural Aid staff and volunteers are already gearing up for their next Our Towns event in Walgett, kicking off on Sunday, the 25th of April, 2021.
The award-winning Our Towns program is part of Rural Aid’s Stonger Futures initiative. Rural Aid is heavily invested in strengthening rural communities through its multi-faceted Stronger Futures program- giving locals the resources and confidence needed to help their region thrive.
For more information or interviews, contact Rural Aid media on 0447 116 757 or