Boots, belt-buckles and big hats

How to host a Good Onya Mate party at home next Saturday
Rural Aid’s annual fundraising concert is a week away, so Australians are being encouraged to host a Good Onya Mate gathering complete with farm inspired games, food, and fancy dress.
CEO of Rural Aid, John Warlters said no matter where they live, Australians can help Rural Aid raise much-needed funds for Aussie farming families coping with the effects of Australia’s record-breaking drought and recent bushfires by hosting a Celebrate Good Onya Mate party.
“It’s easy to get started – just borrow some of our ideas, gather your friends, family, and neighbours together, and tune into Channel 9 from 7.30pm on 28 November,” Mr Warlters said.
The organisation invites everyone to don a big hat, boots and a belt buckle on the night, using the hashtag #CelebrateGoodOnyaMate to have posts featured on Rural Aid’s live social media gallery.
Farm-themed snacks including cow pat brownies and piggies in a blanket are ideal menu items. Recipes can be found at
The spotify playlist helps prepare for the concert line-up.
“We encourage all party hosts to do an ‘Akubra pass-around’ for donations. Just $20 is enough to buy a bale of hay for a farmer’s livestock that are struggling to survive the drought.”
The website includes games such as concert bingo and a Jimmy Barnes quiz, decorations and donation links.