Lockington is the Victorian winner of Rural Aid’s inaugural Ten Town Makeover initiative which aims to highlight the impact of one of the worst droughts in history on small country towns.
Established within Rural Aid’s Sustainable Community program, the 10 country towns will receive a minimum of $100,000 commitment to support the makeover of the towns over a five-year period.
The $100,000 includes:
- $10,000 for town leaders to workshop with experts in rural/regional town renewal with the aim of developing a long-term renewal strategy. These facilitated workshops will support the long-term sustainability of the town and local community.
- $90,000 will be spent on materials for maintenance projects identified by the town leaders, that fits within our scope of work. If available, materials will be sourced locally to support local businesses.
Rural Aid’s Farm Army of volunteers (usually between 50 – 100) will spend a week in the town in the first year bringing a welcome financial injection to the town’s local businesses. Our support over the remaining years will be determined by the leaders of the town once the plans for the town have been developed.
Chair of Lockington Planning Group, Wendy Sims said, “I am thrilled to be part of the Lockington community. Being a recipient town of the 10 Town Makeover Initiative with Rural Aid is a great privilege.”
“Getting outside assistance with projects is exactly what our volunteers need. The belief shown in our community as being viable and worthwhile will be a great boost to the town’s morale. Projects will include walking tracks and increasing awareness of what Lockington has to offer to visitors to the town.”
CEO of Rural Aid, Charles Alder says, “While the focus is largely on the impact of the drought on farmers and their families, equal attention should be given to the impact on rural communities. Small country towns play a critical role in supporting the social and economic fabric of their local communities. This initiative will lift morale and inject much needed capital into the local community
“Small towns have a unique symbiotic relationship with the farms located around them. Farmers rely on their local town for off farm income through employment, farm employees and services from the local doctor, teachers, dentists, accountants and government support staff. Then there’s the small businesses like the local pharmacy, grocery, butcher, bakery, bank and rural supply company. Take these towns out of the equation and the local ecosystem is impacted forever.
“We received over 60 applications and every one of the unsuccessful towns will be supported by Rural Aid in the future.”
Lockington town contact:
Wendy Sims – 0427868307
Winners from other states include: Queensland – Alpha, Monto, Gayndah and Cunnamulla, NSW – Walgett, Barraba, Brewarrina and Coolah, and South Australia – Orroroo.
About Rural Aid
Rural Aid supports farmers and rural communities in times of natural disaster such as flood, fire and drought. In addition, Rural Aid focusses on supporting the sustainability of regional and farming communities. Its disaster relief program includes the nationally recognised Buy a Bale campaign. Other programs include providing volunteer support to rural towns, musical instruments to regional schools and mental health counselling. Visit for further information on these programs and other support for our rural communities.
Media enquiries: Raylee Huggett – 0447 116 757