Charles Alder’s passion for changing the lives of rural Australians recognised
Rural Aid’s co-founder, Charles Alder, said he was humbled to
be nominated and shortlisted for Pro Bono Australia’s Impact 25 Award.
“I would like to thank the person for their kind nomination, acknowledging the
work that my wife, Tracy and I started with the ‘Buy a Bale’ fundraising
campaign in 2013 and in recognition of Rural Aid’s work today,” Charles Alder
The Pro Bono Australia Impact 25 Award recognises individuals who are making a positive impact on society, helping to promote awareness and advocacy for the causes of those nominated, and shine a spotlight on their inspirational and often tireless work.
“Like many organisations started on a passion to make a difference, Tracy and I started with very little, we worked long hours, we had to be proficient in everything from answering phones, buying fodder, organising trucks and farmers, meeting donors and importantly, travelling ‘out bush’ to meet those in need,” Charles Alder said.
“We always through that if the passion and energy was there, everything else would fall into place.”
“We had no idea that a little concept to ask Australians to help buy bales of hay would become the charity Rural Aid is today – assisting thousands of farmers and rural communities across Australia with the support of tens of thousands of everyday Australian and some of Australia’s best companies, sharing our vision.
“Rural Aid is also the sum of many great initiatives and a great team of staff and volunteers; Buy a Bale, the Farm Army of volunteers, the Farm and Community Rescue program, counsellors and the Gift of Music program all delivering relief, companionship, a helping hand, a caring ear, a hope for the future.”
Rural Aid’s Interim CEO, Sarah Hunter congratulated Charles Alder on behalf of the charity on his nomination and shortlisting for Pro Bono Australia’s Impact 25 Awards.
“The recognition through this nomination of Charles’ work is
well deserved,” Sarah Hunter said. “It is through both Charles and Tracy
Alder’s tireless and inspiring work that Rural Aid grew from the ‘Buy a Bale’
program in 2013 to today, one of Australia’s largest rural charities. Without
their vision, empathy and their ability to inspire everyday Australians to
donate money or to donate their time through volunteering, many in rural
Australia would not have received much needed support.”
About Rural Aid
Rural Aid is one of Australia’s largest rural charities. Well known for the highly successful ‘Buy a Bale’ campaign, the charity also provides financial assistance, water and counselling to farmers in times of drought, flood or fire. Other initiatives support its vision that farming and rural communities are safeguarded to ensure their sustainability both during and after these natural disasters. Visit for further information on these programs and other support for our rural communities.
Visit for Rural Aid’s latest assistance statistics.
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Media enquiries: Raylee Huggett – 0447 116 757