Wolff Coffee Roasters supports our Aussie farmers
Rural Aid has congratulated Wolff Coffee Roasters on it recently being declared the small-medium enterprises Philanthropist of the Year winner as part of the Queensland Community Foundation’s Awards.
CEO John Warlters said Wolff Coffee Roasters was a great supporter of Rural Aid and it was through the generosity of leaders like Peter and Penny Wolff that Rural Aid was able to provide much needed assistance to primary producers, their families and the communities they called home.
“CEO Penny Wolff is the driving force behind Wolff Coffee Roasters giving and at Rural Aid, we know that it takes the commitment of your team to bring that support to realisation,” John Warlters said. “The positive impact that has on individuals and communities in need is immeasurable.
“Our farmers are going through challenging times. They’ve been impacted by one of the longest droughts in living memory, followed by devastating bushfires that destroyed homes, fences and livestock. It may not be obvious to all, but for many farmers the impacts of drought and bushfire are still very real,” Mr Warlters said.
“Penny and Peter have been very generous in their support of Rural Aid. It is thanks to support of everyday Australians and businesses big and small that Rural Aid is able to continues its work.”
Wolff Coffee Roasters CEO Penny Wolff said that having grown up on the land and witnessing first-hand the many pressures her parents faced, due to droughts, rain, managing limited resources, financial stress, her heart goes out to our farming community, who are doing it tough.
“At Wolff Coffee Roasters we are proud to have built a brand that takes social responsibility seriously. Penny Wolff said. “Peter and I dearly value being able to support not only our farmers locally but our coffee farmers abroad also. A culture of giving creates immeasurable impact and we are proud to be playing our part.”
“At Rural Aid, we receive heartfelt thank you notes from farming families who have received financial assistance, fodder and/or water and Wolff Coffee Roasters is also part of our extended team giving back to our Aussie farmers and their communities,” John Warlters said.
Marriage and a new baby – a note of thanks from a farming family
We write to express our sincere thanks for the assistance offered from Rural Aid.
An exhaustive 2019 saw the drought climax with the worst bushfires we’ve seen on our property. In November, we were forced to evacuate our property due to immediate bushfire threat. When we returned home, we were lucky, we had a home but still spent the following days fighting fires. This firefighting exhausted our water supply, with local emergency services using our last stock watering hole to save our local community.
Despite the effect of drought and fire we remained resilient, we even got married on the weekend after the fires hit. The Rural Aid Christmas parcel and financial bill relief meant so much to us. With our livestock suffering depression with no feed and little water, this token reminded us we weren’t alone.
With 2020 bringing a change we were excited to see the rain begin. This too brought challenges as the rain caused local floods and further property damage with erosion. During this time, we were isolated on the farm due to flooding. This was a nervous time as we were expecting the birth of our first child any day! In February we welcomed our daughter, Ember on the day the creek subsided to allow us access to town. The Rural Aid visa card was another unexpected surprise that was invaluable for our young family.
With COVID outbreak our resilience was once again tested but the acts of support and kindness like that that Rural Aid provide will continue to see us succeed. So, we apologise for the delay in passing on our gratitude, as you can read, we were a little distracted!
Media enquiries: 0447 116 757 |
Media spokespersons: Rural Aid CEO John Warlters – 0409 618 641
About Rural Aid
Rural Aid is one of Australia’s largest rural charities. Well known for the highly successful ‘Buy a Bale’ campaign, the charity also provides financial assistance, water and counselling to farmers in times of drought, flood or fire. Other initiatives support its vision that farming and rural communities are safeguarded to ensure their sustainability both during and after these natural disasters. Visit for further information on these programs and other support for our rural communities.
Visit for Rural Aid’s latest assistance statistics.
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