Meet a Rural Aid counsellor during Mental Health Month
During Mental Health Month (October), Rural Aid asked their rural counsellors to share what they want farmers to know about their mental health.
Rural Aid counsellor Zoe Cox, who provides counselling services from Lithgow to Mudgee, Bathurst to Orange, Parkes and Forbes and in between, says she wishes the message for farmers to hear this Mental Health Month is that it’s okay not to be okay.
“Because the concept of mental health encompasses everything from wellbeing to mental illness, the idea of experiencing unease or feeling a need to reach out can feel incredibly demoralising and scary,” Ms Cox said.
“Yet it is important that we remind ourselves that very functional, healthy individuals will often need support too so the sooner we reach out, the less overwhelming the process becomes and the more relieving the outcome can be because it really is ok, not to be ok.”
As a Registered Counsellor, Zoe has always had a strong passion for helping others.
“Since recognising the need for further support in rural Australia, I have become primarily focused on supporting rural communities. Having grown up on the land myself, I understand the impact of long-term adverse weather patterns on farming and subsequently on mental health as a result of increased isolation, workload and financial strain.”
Zoe’s job involves offering phone and face-to-face counselling for farmers and their families across this region of NSW.
Media enquiries: Lyndsey Douglas 0424203935 |
Media spokespersons: Rural Aid CEO John Warlters – 0409 618 641
About Rural Aid | Rural Aid is one of Australia’s largest rural charities. Well known for the highly successful ‘Buy a Bale’ campaign, the charity also provides financial assistance, water and counselling to farmers in times of drought, flood or fire. Other initiatives support its vision that farming and rural communities are safeguarded to ensure their sustainability both during and after these natural disasters. Visit for further information on these programs and other support for our rural communities. Visit for Rural Aid’s latest assistance statistics.
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