Wisdom from a Rural Aid counsellor during Mental Health Month
During Mental Health Month (October), Rural Aid asked their rural counsellors to share what they want farmers to know about their mental health.
As Mental Health Month draws to a close, Rural Aid counsellor Jane McCollum says the one message she’d like primary producers to know is that it’s okay to admit it when the chips are down and you need some support.
“At any given time in anyone’s life we all need support in some way. Talk to a friend or family member you can trust and connect with a counsellor if you need to chat with someone outside your personal community. It is brave to say “I need some support” or even to reach out to someone who you can see may need your support,” Ms McCollum said.
Jane McCollum covers the Toowoomba Region, Southern Downs and parts of Western Downs in South East Queensland for Rural Aid. She says she does it because everyone deserves to be heard in hard times.
“I am a Rural Aid counsellor as I believe all humankind deserves to be supported and assisted in difficult times. Rural people are having a particularly difficult journey as they navigate through crucial issues such as drought, social changes, an increasing technological world that can often leave rural people feeling fearful and overwhelmed.”
“My job involves calling and visiting primary producers and offering support whether that be counselling or assisting with understanding forms and accessing financial support.”
“I also attend interagency meetings and network with various stakeholders who I believe can assist in facing the overall challenges we are seeing our primary producers face.”
Outside of helping farmers individually, Jane can be found at fodder deliveries, community events and recovery projects, helping towns and communities build stronger futures.
“We are constantly connecting with rural people. This role is incredibly diverse and covers many different aspects of assistance to rural people.”
Media enquiries: Lyndsey Douglas 0424203935 |
Media spokespersons: Rural Aid CEO John Warlters – 0409 618 641
About Rural Aid | Rural Aid is one of Australia’s largest rural charities. Well known for the highly successful ‘Buy a Bale’ campaign, the charity also provides financial assistance, water and counselling to farmers in times of drought, flood or fire. Other initiatives support its vision that farming and rural communities are safeguarded to ensure their sustainability both during and after these natural disasters. Visit for further information on these programs and other support for our rural communities. Visit for Rural Aid’s latest assistance statistics.
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