Fruit growers needed to match backpacker inquiries

Australia’s most trusted rural charity is appealing for fruit growers to join its Farm Army job posting platform.  

Rural Aid’s ‘Farm Army’ website is a job posting platform for farmers. Paid or unpaid jobs are advertised to a volunteer, worker and grey nomad database of more than 10,000 people.  

Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said there are thousands of job seekers using the site to look for seasonal work.  

“We’ve seen a real influx of backpackers using Farm Army in the past few weeks,” Mr Warlters said.  

“But we need more picking jobs on the site to meet the demand. 

“We encourage all farmers to list their jobs on Farm Army, but especially those who use the invaluable workforce that is seasonal workers,” Mr Warlters said.  

Mr Warlters said the current ratio of jobs to applicants sits at roughly 1:10. 

“We see the highest success rates from job listings that are detailed, contain photos, and have information on lodgings,” Mr Warlters said.  

“As the job-poster, farmers have full control over who is selected for the position they have advertised. 

“One orange grower in the NSW’s Riverina region has used the Farm Army platform to find harvest workers for the past two years, and has had more than 190 applications for their roles.” 

“We know how hard it can be for primary producers to find workers, so we are trying to fill that gap with Farm Army,” Mr Warlters said.  

The Farm Army website can be found at  

Rural Aid can assist farmers with limited internet or technology skills to use the site. Contact 1300 327 624 to find out more about this service.  

Please note: Rural Aid has no involvement in the job description or selection beyond providing a platform for a job to be advertised.   

About Rural Aid 
Rural Aid is Australia’s most trusted rural charity. We stand with our farmers when they need us most. Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, wellbeing and fodder assistance. Rural Aid’s community programs help create more sustainable communities by building stronger futures for all Australian farmers. Find out more at 

For more information or interviews, contact Rural Aid media on  
or 0447 116 757. 

Rural Aid brings Eugowra community together, one year on from floods

Australia’s most trusted rural charity has provided a night of joy for the flood affected Eugowra community, one year on from the catastrophic flooding event that swept the town. 
Rural Aid last Friday hosted a free community BBQ at the Eugowra Showgrounds, attended by more than 150 locals.
Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said the small central west town was still in the grips of disaster recovery. 
“Understandably, the deadly flash flood is still having a huge impact on Eugowra and its surrounds,” Mr Warlters said. 
“Tragically, two Eugowra locals died in the flood. Approximately one third of the town’s population had to be airlifted from their roofs.”
“Now, these brave locals are determined to rebuild their homes, their farms, their roads, their fences.”
“It was Rural Aid’s honour to host a community BBQ to give this hard-working region a ‘night-off’,” Mr Warlters said. 
Local musicians provided entertainment and a dozen support agencies provided face-to-face assistance. 
“Rural Aid has been helping central west farmers long before last year’s flood, and we’ll continue to be here for them long after,” Mr Warlters said. 
“Through hay drops, financial assistance, wellbeing counselling, volunteer expeditions, water deliveries, and community events, Rural Aid has proudly stood with central west farmers when they’ve need us the most.”
Rural Aid’s efforts in the ongoing recovery of the region have been boosted by generous business partners. 
Newmont Cadia is a proud supporter of Rural Aid, and in turn farming families and communities.
Cadia General Manager, Tom Lukeman, said Newmont was proud to be the funder of two fodder drops in the region, the first at Merriwa and the second at Tullamore.
“The communities where we live, work and play mean everything to us, which is why we have been focused on supporting the local community to help fast-track its recovery. 
“As well as assisting with the initial response, teams from our workforce have helped with community projects at Eugowra, Cudal and Molong this year.  This has included repainting the Cenotaph in Eugowra and most recently, a garden and nature space project at Eugowra Public School,” Tom said. 
To register with Rural Aid, or to make a donation, visit:

About Rural Aid 
Rural Aid is Australia’s most trusted rural charity. We stand with our farmers when they need us most. Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, wellbeing and fodder assistance. Rural Aid’s community programs help create more sustainable communities by building stronger futures for all Australian farmers. Find out more at 

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Flooded farmers receive new water tanks, installed by volunteer tradies

Ten central west farmers have received a new household water tank, installed by volunteer tradies, thanks to a Rural Aid and Reece Foundation partnership.  

Tank recipient and Eugowra farmer Matt Parker is still recovering from the catastrophic November 2022 flood.  

“We lost all our cereal crops… it was a huge expense and a huge loss of income. 

“We lost quite a number of sheep in the floodwater. It just seemed to be one thing after another for a while there,” he said.  

Matt was one of ten central west New South Wales farmers to receive a new 22,000 litre tank for his household water use.  

“It’s much appreciated. It was something on our to-do list before the flood but financially we just haven’t been able to do it,” Matt said. 

The tanks were installed by qualified plumbers volunteering with the Reece Foundation.  

Plumber James Woolford donated his time, expertise, equipment, and employees to the project.  

“It’s come at a busy time of the year too, but it’s just what you do,” he said.  

Plumber Mick Spencer visited Eugowra to support the community in the days immediately following the flooding events and returned recently for a second time to volunteer his skills.  

“My passion for giving to a community is that if something happens in [my town], I would expect someone to come and give to our community, which is the way I look at it.” 

The Reece Parkes branch has been a staunch supporter of Rural Aid for many years.  

Branch manager Chris Cunningham connected Rural Aid with the Reece Foundation, and provided free materials for the project, after seeing his region still grappling with flood recovery.  

“There were a lot of families, lot of people, affected,” Chris said.  

“The past 12 months have been a bit of a process.” 

Brian Morton, Rural Aid’s Operations Manager, said it was great to be able to offer an installed tank to the region’s farmers.  

“We’ve worked in this region for a while now over the past 12 months, and [now] working with Reece, we’ve come back as part of the disaster-recovery process.” 

The tanks will also help farmers as they prepare for, and recover from, drought.  

Robert and Linda Ireland received a new tank, which has boosted their spirits as El Niño looms.  

“Through that [2019] drought, and possibly coming up again this year, you go ages without rain and you run out of water,” Linda said. 

“The tank would just go down and down and down and you can’t even be guaranteed to have a shower every day.” 

“You just forget how precious water is,” she said.  

To register with Rural Aid, or to make a donation, visit:  

The Reece Foundation works with volunteer tradies and partners to fund and initiate projects that provide clean water and sanitation to communities at home and abroad. 

To find out how you can get involved, visit: 

About Rural Aid 
Rural Aid is Australia’s most trusted rural charity. We stand with our farmers when they need us most. Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, wellbeing and fodder assistance. Rural Aid’s community programs help create more sustainable communities by building stronger futures for all Australian farmers. Find out more at 

About Reece Foundation 
Launched by Reece in March 2022, the Reece Foundation, is a registered independent charity that unlocks the power of trade skills to improve access to clean water and sanitation in the communities that need it most in Australia and overseas. The Reece Foundation was created to support the trade to be able to ‘do good’, using their skills and knowledge to deliver practical water solutions where it can have the greatest impact. ​By taking a community-led approach and harnessing the essential skills of the trade, the Foundation aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities it supports and have a positive ripple effect on education, food security and employment outcomes through clean water.

Find out more

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Source: 9Now

Thank a farmer for National Ag Day

Australia’s most trusted rural charity is encouraging the country to put farmers front of mind today, National Ag Day (17 November).  

Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said the hard work of Aussie farmers is taken for granted too often.  

“There are families doing it incredibly tough at the moment, yet it’s an issue that’s barely making it onto the national agenda or national conversation,” Mr Warlters said.  

“At Rural Aid, we believe it’s so significant that it has to come right to the very top of the list of priorities for everyday Aussie to understand, and hopefully contribute to, being part of that solution.” 

Mr Warlters said there are dozens of ways to support our mates in the bush. 

“Celebrating our farmers on National Ag Day is as simple as going and buying some amazing produce and when you cook it up, have a conversation about where it came from and what it means to you.” 

“They [Australian farmers] are the best in the world and they’re worthy of our thanks and gratitude.” 

According to Rural Aid, farmers across the nation are at a crossroads, as dry conditions take hold.  

“It’s a super challenging time for farming families right now, coming off the three driest months on record,” Mr Warlters said.  

The public is encouraged to make a donation to Rural Aid, as a way of saying thanks to our farmers.   

“Make a donation to the organisation that’s there to support farmers when they need a hand up,” Mr Warlters said.  

Rural Aid supports Australian farmers with financial, hay, counselling, drinking water and volunteer assistance.  

For more information, or to make a donation, visit or call 1300 327 624.  

About Rural Aid 
Rural Aid is Australia’s most trusted rural charity. We stand with our farmers when they need us most. Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, wellbeing and fodder assistance. Rural Aid’s community programs help create more sustainable communities by building stronger futures for all Australian farmers. Find out more at 

For more information or interviews, contact Rural Aid Media on or 0447 116 757.

Rural Aid fears ‘tipping point’ after driest three months on record

THE surging demand for fodder for drought-stricken livestock has come as no surprise to the nation’s most trusted rural charity, Rural Aid. 

It says the Bureau’s declaration of the three months, August to October, as the driest on record since records began in 1900, coincides with the rapid increase in calls from farmers for assistance – especially hay for livestock, emergency drinking water and mental health and wellbeing support. 

Rural Aid chief executive officer John Warlters said farmers had registered requests totalling more than a $1 million for fodder, the majority of which had been received from families in NSW drought hot spots including the Northern Rivers, New England, Hunter Valley. 

More than 50pc of NSW was now impacted by drought, an almost doubling of the area affected since September. 

On the Queensland side of the border, the State’s south was desperately dry and without widespread and substantial rain it would only be a matter of time before drought declarations followed. 

Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said, while attending a hay drop for bushfire affected graziers, that it’s a challenging outlook for farmers. 

“Right now, what we’re seeing is below average rainfall, above average temperatures and so much of the countryside is tinder dry.” 

“It’s very, very early to see this level of fire activity and it gives us great concern about what this summer is going to look like.” 

Mr Warlters said Rural Aid has been monitoring the impending weather conditions closely, as the reality of the current season starts to emerge. 

Requests for Rural Aid’s assistance have increased markedly over the past three months.  

Mr Warlters said many farmers have no feed for their livestock and are extremely anxious about the months ahead.  

“We’re really concerned at Rural Aid that we are almost at a bit of a tipping point right now.” 

“Collectively, it means we’re all on edge, and we know that really puts so much more stress and worry on our farmers at this time.  

“The number of calls to our counsellors has effectively doubled from this time last year.” 

Mr Warlters said Rural Aid is working hard to support farmers, but it can’t do it alone.  

“As we come into Christmas, it’s a time that we can all contribute to an organisation like Rural Aid so that we can help farming families and get them through these challenging times,” Mr Warlters said.  

Donations can be made at or by calling 1300 327 624.


About Rural Aid 
Rural Aid is Australia’s most trusted rural charity. We stand with our farmers when they need us most. Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, wellbeing and fodder assistance. Rural Aid’s community programs help create more sustainable communities by building stronger futures for all Australian farmers. Find out more at 

For more information or interviews, contact Rural Aid Media on or 0447 116 757.