Rural Aid opens $1 million fund for mouse plague affected farmers

Australia’s leading rural charity, Rural Aid, has announced a $1 million fund to assist mouse plague affected farmers across the country.
Rural Aid has today opened applications for a $1000 emergency support payment, to assist affected primary producers with recovery.
Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said the plague is a living nightmare for farmers.
“The ongoing mouse plague is crippling farmers’ finances and wreaking havoc with their mental and physical health,” Mr Warlters said.
“Farmers have reported decimated hay storages, chewed out machinery and destroyed crops.
“But arguably the most horrific part of this plague is the damage these rodents have caused inside farmers’ homes.
“Mice have crept into every crevice of every cupboard. There isn’t a corner of the house they can’t be found. Farmers and their families are unable to get a decent nights’ sleep without mice chewing on toes and scampering across beds.”
The Rural Aid mouse plague fund will help farmers replace damaged household goods and fodder supplies.
“The sheer volume of mice looks to be on the decline thanks to traps, baits and the cold weather, meaning farmers are now starting to think about refurbishing their homes,” Mr Warlters said.
Rural Aid has also facilitated hay drops in affected regions.
Later this week, a round of hay trucks will arrive in Narromine, delivering much-needed fodder to dozens of farmers.
The Rural Aid board recently met in Orange, NSW, where they heard harrowing stories and were left in no doubt about the scale and severity of the problem and the important role Rural Aid could play in assisting affected families.
“Rural Aid is committed to helping Australia’s incredibly resilient primary producers recover from yet another natural disaster,” Mr Warlters said.
Individuals and businesses big and small that would like to assist can donate to Rural Aid via the website. Farmers can assess their eligibility and apply for the financial assistance via the website.
For interviews or information, contact Ash Whittaker at Rural Aid media on 0447 116 757 or